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Latino Commission on AIDS
Home » Programs » Instituto de Salud y Educación sobre Tratamientos » Curriculum
Instituto de Salud y Educación sobre Tratamientos
Carlos Maldonado
(212) 584-9314


The objective of the Institute is to provide Spanish-speaking HIV healthcare professionals, from across the country with training on new HIV/AIDS treatments and proven strategies for HIV education in Spanish, as well as facilitate a network of Latino healthcare professionals in the HIV/AIDS field. Based on a popular education model, the Institute is a dynamic, interactive training forum that encourages active participation of trainees. The curricula has been refined over the past decade into a four-day (32 hour) program covering the socio-cultural aspects of HIV/AIDS, fundamentals of HIV/AIDS and hepatitis, medication adherence, vaccines and microbicides; treatment challenges specific to women; HIV pathogenesis; understanding the immune system and many other treatment issues.

DAY - 1

• Pre - Test
• Introduction of participants and trainers
• Brief explanation of the Popular Education model (Paulo Freire's techniques)
• History of Treatment Activism
• Exercise on Advocacy
• Pointers on Advocacy techniques
• Socio-Cultural Aspects of HIV/AIDS in the Latino Community

• History of the FDA
• Introduction of Clinical Trials Ethics
• Interactive presentation on how to ensemble a clinical trial

Closing of Day One

DAY - 2

• Q and A of the topics discuss previously
• The Puzzle (How a medication is developed)
• Phases of Clinical Trials
• The Globalization of HIV
• Microbicides Development
• Vaccine Development

• Basic introduction to virology
• The Retrovirus family
• Concepts in the transmission of HIV
• HIV reproduction

Closing of Day One

DAY - 3

• Q and A of the topics discuss previously
• The Blood tests for HIV + patients
• Guidelines for the HIV patients
• Introduction to the Immune System

• Opportunistic Infections
• Categorizing opportunistic infections (game)
• ABC of Hepatitis
• Socio-Cultural aspects of the HIV + Women

DAY - 4

• Q and A of the topics discuss previously
• Opportunistic Infections in the HIV + Women
• Perinatal transmission
• Basic concepts of Pharmacology
• Historic overview of HIV Treatments

• Interactions and Side Effects of HIV Medications
• Pipeline
• Post - Test
• Training Evaluation

Closing and Participants Certificates
CDC DISCLAIMER: This site contains HIV prevention messages that may not be appropriate for all audiences. If you are not seeking such information or may be offended by such materials, please exit this website. Since HIV infection is spread primarily through sexual practices or by sharing. needles, prevention messages and programs may address these topics. Individuals who are mentioned or whose photographs appear on this site are not necessarily HIV positive or have AIDS. This site is not designed to provide medical care, if you are ill, please seek medical advice from a licensed practioner. HIV prevention materials funded by CDC must be approved by local program review panels, however, the materials may be considered controversial by some viewers.